Note: Offers is currently available to users in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

How to earn RP from offers

  1. Go to Earn > Offers.
  2. Select an offer and read the instructions (under "How to earn RP") carefully to ensure successful credit.
  3. IMPORTANT: Turn off any ad blockers or VPN and allow cookies to enable our advertising partners to track your completion of the requirements.
  4. Click Start.
  5. You will be redirected to the offer page to complete the requirements.

I forgot the offer instructions

  1. Go to Earn > Offers.
  2. Click the history icon found at the top-right corner. All your offers activity will be listed here sorted according to date started.
  3. The offer instructions are stated under the offer name.

I met the offer requirements but was not credited

In some cases, you might not be credited even though you followed the instructions and met the offer requirements.

This usually happens when your device's privacy settings have automatically disabled tracking. Hence, our advertising partners are unable to track your completion of the requirements. 

In order to be credited, please follow these steps to submit a support ticket directly to our advertising partner as they are in charge of the crediting of RP.

  1. Go to Earn > Offers.
  2. Click the history icon found at the top-right corner. All your offers activity will be listed here sorted according to date started.
  3. Find the offer that you were not credited for and click SupportYou will be redirected to a support form for that particular offer.
  4. Fill up the support form with the required details including any screenshots that can prove you have completed the offer requirements.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. You should receive a response from our advertising partner within 1 week.

IMPORTANT: please note that if you started the offer more than 1 month ago, you will be unable to submit a support ticket directly to our advertising partner. In this case, contact us and provide the following details:

  • Name of the offer
  • Screenshots that can prove you have completed the offer requirements